A Wide Place

"God brought me out into a broad place...because God delighted in me."  Psalm 18:19 (NRSV)

Welcome to A Wide Place

Do you ever feel yourself shrinking under the weight of responsibilities you have, or the circumstances that surround you, or the messages you hear that reinforce a sense that you are somehow not enough?  If so, this wide place is for you.

My conviction as I have journeyed with God is that there is a wideness in God's mercy and in His invitation to abundant life.  I love to create space for others to experience the spaciousness of God, and I do this through offering daily meditations, weekly blogs, and one-on-one spiritual direction.

Weekly Blog

(Coming soon!)

Spiritual Direction

Creating space for others to experience the spaciousness of God.

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For more information, contact Nancy Eckardt at njeckardt@gmail.com